Harry Smacks

Harry Smacks is a DJ for GoAnimate City’s Oldies station WYIP. He generally does the 10a-3p slot on weekdays and does help with promotions with the station. Harry Smacks has a stutter, it is not known if he was born with this deficiency, or he got this later due to age.

One spring day, Caillou met WYIP’s Program Director and he offered Caillou a four-hour stint as the drive home DJ for $100. Harry Smacks meets Caillou as he leaves for the day. Smacks openly tells the Program Director that having a teenager as a DJ for an Oldies station, even for the day, is a bad idea. Caillou openly mocks him and despite that, the Program Director takes Caillou’s side. Smacks walks away defeated.

Caillou, not happy with Smacks, would later do Smacks iconic voice to announce that a NAMBLA Meetup was happening at GoAnimate High School. Later, Caillou would later use that voice to insult a caller making a request. Confusing callers and listeners due to Harry Smacks being usually kind and gentle with the callers.

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Category: Folks