WSOL is a conservative religious radio station based in Summit County, Ohio in Swindleburg Heights. It previously carried the Reverend Paul Haney show.

2019 Detroit Zombie Tragedy

Christian YouTube duo Bryan and Jordan Parrish had interfered with operation Ventana Distraction and confessed their reasons why on ATC radio. They stated they were not going to leave the TFR Zone despite FBI Agent Golden’s demands, and threats to shoot them down. However, Jordan makes a fatal mistake and crashes the single-engine plane by the Ventana Nuclear Power Plant. Reverend Paul Haney freely admits he was responsible for this interference while broadcasting on WSOL. The station was pulled off the air minutes after his confession.

After the incident, Reverend Paul Haney continued on with his show and eventually, WSOL went back on the air.

2021 Supernatural Threat

The station fell victim to a dark ghostly force that took over the town of Swindleburg Heights, where the station is located. The ghostly force broadcast a series of horrid sounds for a few hours until the FCC pulled the plug. It is yet unknown if WSOL is still on the air. During this time, Reverend Paul Haney was arrested for possession of meth and buying a prostitute. Three days later, Haney did it show at an AM station in Indiana. He was later bombarded with prank calls.


  • Robbie Thomas does the promos for this station.
  • SOL means Shit Out of Luck.

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Category: Stations