
Drake is the former boyfriend of Melissa. Drake is 23 years old, lives with his mother in a Trailer Park in GoAnimate City. Like Melissa, although Drake is Caucasian, he identifies as African American. He also calls himself a gangster.

Drake is first seen in Caillou Eats Magic Mushrooms / Gets Grounded. Drake sees Caillou for the first time while Caillou, high on mushrooms, runs past him and Melissa claiming aliens were out to get him. Drake dismisses Caillou as being crazy. Melissa orders Drake to beat him up, but Drake refuses, stating he is 23 years old and he would be in trouble if he were to hit Caillou.

During a Punishment Day, Doris and Boris invite Melissa and Drake to their home to beat up Caillou. Drake’s attack on Caillou doesn’t hurt him. This disappoints Doris, Boris and Melissa, with the latter ending their relationship and insulting him for his small penis. Doris later adds her own insult to that, and Drake leaves the house defeated with Boris laughing at him.

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Category: Folks