Eastpointe is a city in Macomb County, Michigan. It borders Eight Mile Road. The population was 34,318.
2019 Day of the Twisters
Eastpointe suffers a devastating tornado going through it’s downtown area. Despite the High School being in that area, it suffers minimal damage and is later used as a shelter. However, Classic Rock/Oldies station WYIP and one of the offices of Love 4 Michigan get destroyed. WRQ with Claire Barrington reports the damage and also witness Armada man Drake McNally publicly defecating in a sewer. The tornado also destroyed a large drug house and the occupants later get arrested.
2019 Detroit Zombie Tragdey
After gangs in Detroit fight the zombies, a gang moves into downtown Eastpointe to continue with the zombie fight from the south end. At the north end, National Guard fight at that side. Although both the National Guard and the gang are fighting the same enemy, two gang members get shot and killed by the Guard. The Detroit NPR station reports this news and later reports that the gang leaves Eastpointe in peace.